Introductions, Take Two

I'm really not pleased with the way that my blog is set up, because it seems very two dimensional, and boring, and everything I didn't want it to be. So, in the spirit of new beginnings, I figured it wouldn't hurt to start over.

I'm Breana, preferably Bre. I'm 21, from the land of Heisenburg's Blue Meth. I'm a Psych major, and I hope to someday work for the FBI. I'm a Barista at Starbucks, which is a difficult job for someone who hates mornings AND coffee, as well as a DCP alumni. My biggest passions are reading, writing, and music. I've wanted to be two things throughout my life, a singer, and a novelist, however, I've always been too afraid to share my writing and my voice with the world.

What can you expect from this blog? You can expect a lot of stuff about my writing, some book reviews, quite a few lists. You can expect a lot of personal stuff from me, like me trying (heavy emphasis on trying) to be an adult, learning more about myself through being on my own. You can also expect a lot of goals that I hardly ever follow through on (I have a terrible habit of setting goals for myself, and never completing them.)

Finally, my biggest goal for this blog is to recieve more feedback from you, my readers. I want to better myself, as a writer/reader/human being, and I would love to be challenged by anyone who reads this (for example, with a writing prompt, with a goal in my personal or professional life, or with book reccommendations). Part of the reason I wanted to start blogging was so that I could get over my fear of people rejecting my works as "terrible," because I'll never grow if I'm too afraid to let anyone see the more "raw" parts of me.

So, here's to new beginnings, to growth, and to becoming a better... everything.  


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