
It hit me, a few months ago, that I had never read a blog that was dedicated strictly to reading and writing. And I know that blogs of this sort exist, but then I thought, what is the harm in making my own? (Of course, the worst thing that could happen is that no one would read it, but I probably wouldn't know)

So here it goes.
My name is Breana. I'm a 21 year old college student living in New Mexico, studying psychology. However, my real passion is reading, and writing mediocre novels. I've been writing ever since I was little, and learned how to type.
I'm a huge fan of YA novels, especially Young Adult novels that center around romance. I also love conspiracy theory novels (Dan Brown's novels changed my life) and historical fiction.
As far as writing goes, I focus on YA romance, which is incredibly cliche, but it's something I love writing about, mostly because I didn't have a very romantic young adult-hood.

I'm really excited to start this blog, so excited that my thoughts are everywhere, and I'm just rambling in this text post, but I hope that I can bring great books into other people's lives, and also that I can improve as a writer. And what better way than to read as much as I can?

Side note: I created my URL after Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" (Unfortunately, I had to add a bunch of unnecessary hyphens in there), but until I named this blog, I didn't realize that the song referenced Lord of the Rings. Crazy, right?


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