lets go crazy, lets get nuts

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life."

We have just under 3 weeks left of 2015, and it's been a tough year. I tend to feel sorry for myself, and mope, A LOT. But, this morning, on my way home from work, Prince's Let's Go Crazy (the ultimate pick-me-up song) came up on my shuffle, and I realized that every setback I've experienced in 2015 has led me to something greater, and that my problems, however huge they may seem, are (usually) small in the grand scheme of things. So, instead of making this blog entry about all of the things that sucked in 2015, I'm going to make it about all of the things that sucked, and how I overcame them.

I left home for 4 months to participate in the Disney College Program. Most of my fellow DCP alumni would be surprised to know that there were people in the program who were miserable. I was really excited to go, at first, but when I got there, I got a crappy job, roommates who seemed to have nothing in common with me, and I missed home so much. But, because of this horrible experience, I made new friends, I grew really close to my roommates (it took time, but I truly consider them my family now), and I became more prepared to move out on my own, when I came home. I also became more appreciative of the family and friends I had here, which strengthened the relationships I had already built. I learned a lot about how strong I was, and how strong my personal relationships were.

I lost a lot of people. One of my goals at the start of 2015 was to cut toxic people out of my life. I succeeded in cutting out a few of the most toxic people I had ever met, but I didn't realize that I would lose so many others. I lost aquaintances, people that I liked and respected, who didn't approve of the decisions I made. I lost a best friend, someone I thought would be around forever. My relationships with certain friends weakened. 
But, I made new friendships. I have friends from work who are supportive and loving, even when they don't need to be. The friends I've had since high school, some people who have seen me transform from a selfish teenager, to a less-selfish adult, have stood by me, every step of the way. I value them more and more every day, because they don't expect me to change, they think I'm great the way I am.

My parents sold my home. In May, my parents told me that they were selling the house that I had grown up in. In August, they told me that it sold, and that they were thinking of moving to Texas. I was devestated, and I, basically, lost my mind for a few weeks, because I realized that, if they moved, I was going to need a place to live. That was my main drive for moving out when I did, and honestly, I couldn't be happier. I miss my home like crazy sometimes (and I really miss getting to live there for free), but living with Josh is an everyday adventure. Our relationship is so much stronger, I know how to pay bills and save money, I know how to budget. I get to see my parents, at least, once a week, and I feel secure, financially, emotionally, and in my relationship.

My grandpa was diagnosed with Alzheimers. Shortly after I left for Florida, I found out that my grandpa, who I've always been pretty close with, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. This isn't something that I, or my family, have been able to "overcome," rather, we're all coming together to do what's best for the man who has helped all of us. There is so much more communication in my family, we're more close-knit, and more patient. 
He's still in the beginning stages where he remembers most things, which I'm grateful for. It's hard seeing him so angry and confused all of the time, but I'm incredibly thankful that, in times of hardship, my family came together and did what was best for him.

So thanks, Prince, for reminding me that I shouldn't let things get me down, because there are so many things for me to look forward to. 


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