put some mistletoe on my butt and kiss it

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays with their families and friends!
This year, my dad and stepmom, along with a few of my siblings, went out of town, so I didn't get to celebrate Christmas with my entire family, but still got to celebrate with my mom, stepdad, and sisters, along with my second family! Here's a quick summary of our day

What are holidays without a selfie?

2/6 of my sisters, plus their boyfriends

LA face with an Oakland booty, am I right?

Breshua's 3rd Christmas together

Another fun development, my oldest sister went into labor at 1 am on Tuesday the 23rd, and, after 20 hours and an eventual C Section, my nephew, William was born! My niece, Marie, is so excited to be an older sister, and I'm just as excited to be an aunt again. Someday soon, I'll post a picture of the little guy.

All-in-all, I am so please with how this year is coming to a close. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.


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