The Best Things About Being in a Relationship for Christmas

I recently saw a blog post titled "The Best Things About Being Single for the Holidays." Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people who like being single, it just works better for some people. However, as someone who has always loved being in relationships, I can confidently say that there are a ton of perks to being in an LTR for Christmas.
As this will be my third Christmas with Josh (aka, my boyfriend/life partner/best friend/roomie/everything else), I figured I would compile a list of my favorite things about being in a relationship for Christmas.

1. You're guaranteed, at least, one Christmas present
 If your family is anything like mine, once you hit 18, Christmas presents are few and far between. However, with a significant other, you're guaranteed a gift, and the best part is, you'll, more than likely, love it.
Downside, however, is that you spend weeks stressing over the perfect Christmas gift for them. But, it's really rewarding to see the look on their face when they open the gift you got them

2. There's always someone to gossip with
Family is great, really. But, during the holidays, you're usually lumped together with so many people, that everyone gets a little tense, and, occasionally, you need someone to vent to, or gossip with.
For example, theres always that one relative that gets a little too drunk, and starts spilling the family secrets. I can't tell you how great it is to look at someone, wide-eyed, and know that you're going to have an in-depth discussion about the information you were just handed. When the two of you are alone, obviously.

3. All of the personal questions, like, "So, do you think you guys will tie the knot anytime soon?" 
Honestly, I enjoy this, because I love talking about myself. But my second favorite thing to talk about is my thriving relationship. So whenever anyone asks when Josh and I are getting married, I take it as a huge compliment, because it's like, "Wow, someone else thinks we're a great couple, too!" Plus, it gives you an excuse to gush about how great it is being with that person (And I'm always looking for an excuse to do that)

4. You always have someone to keep you warm.
I mean this literally. I'm always cold, and wrapped in a blanket 90% of the time, but when I dress up for Christmas, I'm more concerned with how cute I look, not how warm I am.
Having a SO to get you blankets, give you a jacket, or cuddle and share body heat, is a gift in itself

5. You'll always have a DD.
It's absolutely fantastic knowing that you can have multiple glasses of wine with your siblings, and you'll have someone to drive you home. It makes Christmas drinking so much more fun.

(Note: in my family, replace "glasses of wine" with "crown and coke," but you get the idea.)

6. All of the cute, couple-y things.
This is the first Christmas that Josh and I are living together, and it's been so much fun decorating OUR first Christmas tree, and getting Christmas cards put together. We're both really looking forward to spending Christmas in our own place, and doing cheesy stuff like throwing a Christmas party, and decorating each others' stockings.
Plus, the holiday selfies. Everyone loves holiday couples selfies.

7. You get to suffer through it, together.
Both Josh and I are lucky, because we both have really close knit families. However, a lot of people aren't so fortunate, and dread going home for the holidays.
Having a boyfriend/girlfriend during this time is great because you, literally, always have someone by your side. Your mom makes a secret-mean comment ("Oh honey, that dress really slims down your face, you should wear it more often")? You have someone to lean on, someone to help you push through.

Relationship or not, Christmas is my favorite time of year. But having someone to experience all of my favorite part of Christmas with, is the greatest part.


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