2016 Goals (plus a lot of stuff you probs didn't need to know about me)

You know those people on social media who, for the last few days of the year, share posts about not making New Year's Resolutions, because they aren't liars? I used to have that same mindset. I was convinced that, if you wanted to change, you could do that any day.
But there's something about a new year, like it's a new chance to show yourself, and other people, what you're capable of. But, because most resolutions aren't followed through, I choose to call mine "New Year's Goals," because it makes it seem a bit more attainable, right?

1. Make healthier choices
Anyone that knows me, knows that I am ridiculously picky. I refuse to eat anything with a weird texture, I hate when my food touches, and I'm a super taster. So, because of all of those things, my diet is.... not the healthiest.
I've accepted that I'm never going to be a vegetable person (mostly because of the texture of vegetables), but I'm going to attempt to add more protein and fruit to my diet. I figure, if I add chicken to my pasta, or have an apple as a snack, instead of chips, it's, at least, better than my eating habits now.
I also want to start working out, by going to zumba, or doing yoga. I knew that, since I've been back home from my CP, I had put on some weight, but I didn't realize just how much until I weighed myself the other day. Even if I don't lose any weight, I'd like to tone my butt and thighs, at the very least.
2. Learn how to dress myself, and do my hair
I'm a very low-maintenance person, the kind that will opt for an extra 20 minutes of sleep instead of getting ready. For a long time, my idea of looking good was wearing a tshirt and vans, and actually brushing my hair.
I'm getting better, as you can see from the picture below of my outfit today, but I still need work.
3. Get a new job
Don't get me wrong, I like my job. Starbucks is, by far, the best job I've had, but I am BEYOND sick of working in food. My ultimate goal is to get a Monday-Friday, 8-5, desk job, but we'll see.
4. Journal More
At the beginning of 2015, I resolved to start a journal to document my personal growth during my time at Disney, but journaling became so much more than that. It was a place to get out all of my ideas, all of my fears, and, most importantly, a place where I could be a petty bitch, and no one would ever know.
Unfortunately, when I started school again, I stopped journaling as much. I'd like to go back to writing 3-4 times a week in this lil' beauty
5. Buy a house
I love our apartment, but I really want a house (with a yard, so I can get a dog)
6. Expand our family
I know everyone is going to freak out about this, but I really just mean I WANT A DOG. 
I also want to set up a (very rough) timeline for the next few years. For example, when Josh and I want to aim to get married, to have kids, etc. Mostly just so I know how much I should save up. 
7. Graduate
According to UNM (who isn't always the most reliable source, honestly) after the spring semester, I'll have 6 classes left to fulfill my bachelors degree. Granted, I want to keep going to get my masters and PhD, but one degree is better than none, right?
8. Be more proactive about my health
Last January, I found out that I tested positive for a mutated gene (the BRCA gene) that increased my chances of getting breast cancer. Though my mutated gene is the less serious of the two, my doctor suggested that I visit a breast specialist, and that I start taking vitamins.
Getting this news would be hard for anyone, but for a 20 year old, who had barely even started to live, I didn't even know how to react. So, I pretended like I never got the news. I never saw a specialist, or started taking vitamins, and I haven't seen my doctor since.
I'm realizing now that I'm not invincible, and I need to take this seriously, and I'm ready to come to terms with it, and to start taking preventative measures.
9. Read more
My ultimate goal is to read every book on my bookshelves this year, but even if I just make a dent, that's good enough for me.

10. Stop being so bitter
I'll be the first one to admit that I can hold grudges. I never forget when people wrong me, and I hold onto a lot of bitterness. If I forgive, I don't forget.
I am sick of being so angry all the time, so I have resolved to either A) forgive, or B) forget that whatever person upset me did anything at all. 
11. Get a tattoo
I've wanted one for as long as I can remember, and I'm beyond ready.
12. Don't worry about what people think
It's taken me a long time to recognize that I am a talented human being, and I am deathly afraid of being rejected by those around me. So, I've never really shared my talents with the world.
2016 is going to be the year that I celebrate myself, and how cool I am, so I want to put this fear of rejection out of my mind, and let everyone else see how great I am, too.
13. Be more social
I've always been very extroverted. I love being around people. However, I'm selectively extroverted, and most times, I would rather sit on my couch with Josh and watch TV, than go out with people I don't care about. But I want to get out more, whether it's going out with a group of friends, or going to someone's house and hanging out. 
Plus, if i'm out of the house more, there's less of a chance that i'll make a mess.

So, 2016, it's nice to meet you. I hope you're ready for me to kick your ass. 


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