BOOK REVIEW: The Wrath and the Dawn

I featured this book on my "10 Books You NEED to Read in 2016" list a few months back, but I don't feel like enough people paid attention to that post, so I'm reccommending this book again, because it was fantastic, and I think everyone should read it.

Khalid, the "boy king" of Khorasan, marries a young girl every day, only to have her killed every night. His subjects hate him, but fear most that their daughters will be summoned next. That is, until Shahrzad volunteers to be his next wife. 
Shahrzad becomes the only girl to survive the night, and she begins to plot her revenge: taking the Khalid's life, because he took the life of her best friend.
As she plans his death, she comes to learn that the king, and the deaths of all of the wives before her, aren't as black-and-white as she once thought, and finds herself falling in love with a monster.

*Technically a Young Adult novel, but you can't tell, I promise*

Some Places to Get It:
  • Bookstores, such as Barnes and Noble (This is where I got my copy, but this is the most expensive option, albiet the most convenient) 
  • Barnes and Noble online Best Deal For this Book
  • Amazon
  • Thrift Books


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