January Goals, And How I Want YOU to Get Involved

However true the above photo is (and trust me, world peace and bigger boobs are always my goals), along with my 2016 goals, I started a January Goals list! I didn't include in my last post, because, let's be real, it was long enough.

January Goals
1. Finish 3 books
2. Finish a TV show
3. Record a cover with Josh
4. Have, at least, $600 in savings
5. Start a fitness plan
6. Journal, at least, 3 times a week

While these goal are all very attainable (in fact, I've already met one), I have one goal that I didn't list: Making this blog more about what YOU, the readers, want to see.

I've already made one change: my aunt told me that she wanted to keep up with this blog, but she could only find it when I shared a link to a post on Facebook. So I've added a "subscribe by email" box in the right hand column, just in case. 

But seriously, any feedback would be awesome. You want to see more of what I do in my free time? You want me to focus more on updating you all of how I'm meeting my New Year's goals? You want to read some of my writing (and don't want to have to sign up for wattpad, where I share it)? Let me know, by either leaving a comment on the bottom of this post, or by commenting on the Facebook post that I share this on!

I also added another change. Most blogs have a signature, and I just created mine. Ain't it cute?


  1. I think you should do more reviews. Movie/TV series/book reviews would be awesome. Lists, like best musicals, animated movies, etc. Also, post some of your writings and progress on your 2016 goals! (:


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