My DCP experience

*Disclaimer* This blog post only reflects MY experiences. If you are trying to get into the College Program, don't let this post stop you. I know people who had the time of their lives and never wanted to go home, and I know people who were just as miserable as I was, maybe even more so. 

A few posts ago, I said that my program started on January 28th, and I don't know why I was so conviced that that was the date, because I was definitely wrong. I started my college program, exactly, one year ago today.
A year ago, I went through check in at the Vista Way apartments to get my job assignment, my housing assignment, and to get my IDs that let me into the complexes and through the security gate at work.
I was assigned to Outdoor Food at Hollywood Studios, which I was super bummed about. I had also been assigned to a 6 person, 3 bedroom apartment in Patterson Court, which was slightly disappointing, because I had put all of my preferences for a 4 person apartment.
After I got my job and housing assignments, I went to Casting, where it really hit me that I was homesick. I cried on my way back to the apartments, because I was missing my family and my boyfriend so much. I cried because I was already feeling bad about my job, and because I was worried that my roommates weren't going to like me, and I was, basically, a mess.
Thankfully, I ended up meeting my roommate, the one that I would actually be sharing a room with, when I got home from Casting, who became my friend right away (partially because she told me I had cute clothes, and partially because she said that if I was feeling homesick, she'd binge on ice cream and movies with me). My apartment, as a whole, went out to dinner that night, where we learned a little more about each other, and we made a list of house rules (don't be super loud, don't run the dishwasher at night so people can sleep, stuff like that) so that living together would be easier.
I really lucked out with my roommates (well, all except one), because we all respected each other, and genuinely cared about each other.
Now, you might all be wondering, "Why did she hate it? It seems okay!"

  • Before you get to check-in, Disney just gives you hints as to what you'll be doing, like "Quick Service, Food and Beverage" or "Attractions." But there is a lot of variability within those "hints." For example, 2 of my roommates and I were Quick Service, but I got Outdoor Food, Becca got ABC Commisary (Which is a restaurant in Hollywood Studios), and Jasmine got The Marketplace in Yacht and Beach (Which is a super fancy resort). Sallie, another roommate, was told she would be in attractions, and she ended up being placed in Parade Control at Magic Kingdom.
  • The job was, literally, the worst. In Outdoor Food, you're responsible for working popcorn stands and ice cream carts, but you're also responsible for working (and yes, that means opening and closing) ALONE. You also serve alcohol in some carts, and people get very upset when you ask for IDs, or you say that you aren't able to take their form of identification. Some of the management was really stupid, and you had coordinators and other CPs that were just awful. Also, they don't mess around when they say "Outdoor" food. You'll be standing in the heat and rain and wind for hours and hours. I can't tell you how exhausted I was at the end of each shift.
  • They didn't tell you who your roommates were until Check-In. A few weeks before you arrive, Disney gives you the option of randomizing your roommates, or entering in their distinct ID number. I chose to randomize my roommates, and figured, "Well, they'll probably tell me who my roommates are a week or so ahead of time, so that we can establish who brings what." They didn't. Even if you don't randomize, there's a chance that you'll get a few surprise roommates. 4 of my roommates found each other through a Facebook page, and selected a 4 person, 2 bedroom apartment. So, you can imagine their surprise when they ended up getting a 6 person. 
  • The housing people are awful. One of my roommates ended up getting another of my roommates fired over something that was blown out of proportion, and when we went to the Housing Center to make sure that our Liar-Roommate would be moving out, they told us, "Well, it's her choice. Also, you're all speculating about what happened, and we're only talking to you because we have to." Aside from that, they're strict about weird things (We couldn't have lightsabers in our apartments, and we had cleaning inspections every month), and are usually pretty rude.
  • The internet SUCKED.
  • Like in all customer service jobs, you get some shitty people. However, because people pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars to come to Disney, they are a lot more critical. Also, so many people saw University of New Mexico on my name tag, immediately thought, "Oh, she can speak Spanish!" And would get irritated when I gave them a blank look.
However miserable I was (and trust me, I was very miserable. I can't tell you how many times I called my family crying, or wouldn't get out of bed, or eat, or do any of the things that normal people did), there were some ups.
  • My roommates. I am really thankful for the 4 roommates I am on good terms with. I also made two close friends at work, who served to be my venting outlets during my shifts
  • Getting into the parks for free. Because I was so miserable, and wanted to have a constant pity party, I didn't take advantage of this like I should have.
  • Working Fantasmic shows. This was the only aspect of my job that I enjoyed at all. Basically, we sold the food before the Fantasmic show in Hollywood Studios, and got to enjoy listening to the show every night when we cleaned (and only had to work 5 hour shifts)
  • Mellow Mushroom. Mellow Mushroom was a pizza place a few miles from our apartment complex, that is, apparently, a southern thing. The pizza was phenomenal, and they played 70's classic rock, and had cool names for the food. Ugh, I miss it.
  • Being so close to the beach. I only went twice, to Cocoa and Clearwater once each,  but Clearwater Beach is absolutely gorgeous, and I would suggest going
The Disney College Program was the most unhappy time of my life, and I continue to wish I had never gone. I wish that there was another way I would have met the people who made my program bearable, because they were the biggest blessing. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't go. Unfortunate, but true.


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