resolution progress

Before I talk about anything else, let me talk about this phenomenal workout I found.

Cosmo featured their 28-Day Butt Workout Challenge on their website, and holy crap, I can feel soreness in my thighs right away. It's a 6 minute workout, with 5 one-minute excercises, and 15 seconds between each one. Some of the best things about it are that the excercises change every week, and that they don't require you to do a certain number of reps, however many you feel that you can do (Which is good for me, because I'm soooo out of shape.) 
It also comes with this cute little calendar, with goal to set for yourself throughout the month :)

Anyway, now to assess my progress

Healthier choices: Unfortunately, my diet is pretty much the same. I have managed to include more protein, which is good, but I'm seriously lacking on my water intake. I've been using the app MyPlate to help track what I eat, because it shows how much of your diet is protein, carbs, and fat. It also tracks your water intake, gives you the option of entering how many calories you've burned, and helps count calories. 
Aside from the Cosmo Workout, I've managed to put together a fitness plan for the next few months. My goal is to find a workout that targets one of my "problem areas" (for example, this month, it's my butt and thighs), and focus on toning that. I also want to become more flexible, mostly because stretching doesn't feel as good when you can't bend very far. Finally, I plan to start going to Zumba regularly, because it's my favorite excercise that doesn't feel like excercise.

Making myself more presentable: I dyed my hair yesterday, which is cool. I love having red hair, and I think it makes me look more presentable, even though I did nothing with my hair.
I've been trying to plan my outfits better, and I think I've done pretty well! The only downside is that I work 5/7 days of the week, so most times, I don't get the option to wear something other than my uniform. But, at least I have something to show for my efforts, because look at that hair.

Be more proactive: Not much to report, other than I finally set up an appointment with my doctor. I'm still terrified of seeing a breast specialist, so I'll tackle that after I get through my checkup. 
I also have a fantastic friend who offered to help me with finding the right vitamins, so, hopefully soon, I'll be able to start taking those.

Unfortunately, most of my resolutions (all of the ones not listed here), I haven't been able to fully tackle yet. However, being that it's a week into the new year, I think I'm doing pretty well.

Off topic, but a few things I should address:
  1. I recieved no suggestions on what everyone wanted to see on this blog. That's 100% okay, but I would really like some input from you guys, so that I know what to post more of (and less of)
  2. I found a really cool list of story prompts that I would like to turn into a list of short stories, and post them here! I'm planning on posting the first one within the next few days, so look out for that
  3. Also look out for a few book reviews I have planned. I'm not sure when those will be posted, but look out for them.


  1. I think you're stunningly beautiful and the fact that you have all of these fantastic goals, and are avidly working toward achieving every one of them, shows how amazing of a person you are and how great you will become.

    P.S I'd definitely love to see more of your writings/novels :)

    An Admirer


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