week 3 of my resolutions

Well, as of today, we've been in the new year for three full weeks. For three weeks, I've been trying to better different aspects of my life, and I haven't updated the blog on how I'm doing.
Which, admittedly, isn't as good as I want to be doing.

Healthier Choices: Unfortunately, I got lazy, and haven't done the Cosmo butt challenge in about a week, and haven't incorporated much excercise into my day. However, I'm determined to change that.
This semester, I'm taking a health psychology class, where I have to keep a food journal, to record what I eat, what excersice I'm doing, and how I feel, emotionally and physically. I'm going to keep that food journal in my personal journal, and get back into my workout. I want to do this, not only for my health, but so my teacher and classmates don't look at my food journal and say, "You had 3 slices of pizza, and you didn't work out?!"
Some progress: I've been eating a lot more protein (not nearly as much as I should, but still more). and have been drinking less soda, and eating more "real" meals, opposed to snacking all day. I still need to drink more water, but progress is progress, right?

Making myself more presentable: I'm really proud of how well I'm doing in this aspect, because I'm actually getting ready most days! Plus, I just really love these boots.

Monday, January 11
Tuesday, January 12
Thursday, January 14
Monday, January 18 (featuring 5/7 of my siblings, and my brother-in-law)
Tuesday, January 19 (AKA, first day of school outfit)

Journal more: I've gone from journaling once every few weeks to, at least, once a week. I haven't met my goal yet, but I'm getting closer!
Read more: I've finished one book this year, and am currently reading another one, which is no where near my goal. So, to help meet that goal, I joined a book club, run by my boyfriend's aunt (who is basically my soul twin), and I'm really excited about it!
Get out more: I'm not sure if this "technically" counts as getting out, but Josh and I are now having weekly dinners with my friend Abby, and we've made plans to get together with my bffs, who we affectionately call Matterlyn, once a week.
I also went out with a group of coworkers to a brewery last week (I got drunk, but that's a story for next time), and it felt really good to get out of the house and hang out with people. New goal: hang out more at THEIR house.


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