the week my family left

I've mentioned a few times in my blog posts that my family was considering making a move to Houston. Well, what I have neglected to mention was that my stepmom had taken a job in Houston, and that she and my sister were moving MUCH sooner than any of us anticipated.
For months, I wanted to believe that my family wasn't moving, that they wouldn't leave me, because I can barely take care of myself without having an anxiety attack. I wanted to believe that my parents weren't going to start a life in a completely different state, without me.
But, alas, denying the truth only made me less prepared to lose my family. Thankfully, living in such a state also helped me to enjoy my last week with my family, because I was less concerned about how I was going to make my last week count.

Since I've been back from my CP, Monday's have been "Family Dinner" night, and it's the night I work forward to each week. Last monday (which was, coicidentally, the last monday that my family was all together), it was my sister Emma's 2nd birthday. I was lucky enough to spend time with my immediate family, extended family, and family friends that I consider to be part of my family. 
Not only was I lucky enough to spend Emma's 2nd birthday with her, I was also lucky enough to spend multiple days with my stepmom and sister before they left.

I'm still a mess, thinking about being alone. I'm a mess when I think about how, in a year, or two, or three, I'll be here, while my family is starting a new life without me. However, I'm able to take solace in the fact that my dad will be here for a bit longer, and that I have my mom, stepdad, and sisters, as well as various other aunts, uncles, and cousins to rely on. And, even though I'm a wreck, I'm grateful for that.


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