dogs, dogs, and more dogs

What a crazy week it's been, especially regarding one of my favorite subjects, DOGS. Josh and I have been talking about adopting a dog for quite some time, and this past weekend, we decided to start going to different animal shelters to look at dogs.
We, truthfully, weren't looking to adopt a dog right away, but after visiting a few shelters, we found an adorable little Chiweenie. If anyone in the ABQ/ RR area is looking for places to adopt, I would highly reccommend Watermelon Mountain Ranch (Where we got our pup), or Rio Rancho Animal Control (Who has the cheapest adoption fees, but dogs go quickly there). Our dog, who is 8 months old, has been really easy to house train and crate train, so far. She's so well behaved, especially for a puppy, so we couldn't pass her up!
Once we started to settle into our new life with our fur baby, we got some bad news: my childhood dog, Zoe, ran away! Zoe is old, and she's always been afraid to run off on her own. In fact, she doesn't need a leash or a collar, because she never leaves the front yard of the house, so knowing that she ran away, didn't make sense. Luckily, someone picked Zoe up (presumably from close to the house), and took her to Animal Control, so she'll be back home by tonight.

Finally, I'd love to introduce everyone to the newest member of our little family, as well as the dog I've been lucky enough to call mine for most of my life: Rey, and Zoe


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