Resolutions, Volume 3

New Year's resolutions are tough to keep up with, and usually by this point in the year, people give up on theirs. Though I'm not doing as well as I would like to, I'm proud to say that I haven't given up on any of my resolutions, and that I'm doing a thousand times better than I have for the last few years.

Make Healthier Choices- I'm eating a lot healthier, which is still not a huge step for me, since my diet has always been unhealthy. But I'm proud of myself for drinking more water, for eating more protein. I'd like to keep working out regularly, and integrate more fruits, and eventually more vegetables, into my diet in the upcoming months.

Be More Presentable- I'm continuing to surprise myself at how great I am at getting ready (and looking mostly presentable) in 10 minutes. Again, I want to improve throughout the year, but I'm doing pretty well.

Expand Our Family- This one I'm really excited about. In the next few weeks, Josh and I are planning on going to animal shelters to find a dog!
No babies yet, don't worry.

Read More- In the last week, I've finished 7 books. I want to keep reading, and to finish most of the the books on my bookshelves by the end of the year


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