April Goals

I love April. April is the time of year that it starts to get warm (Unless you live in New Mexico, and woke up to snow on April 1st). April means the spring semester is almost over, that it's almost time to put on bathing suits and sunbathe, and for fun summer trips.
Unfortunately, April is also the time where I, usually, lose sight of my New Year's goals, and fall back into an unhealthy routine. Part of the reason is that I get tired of trying, and failing, to better myself. Which is why I want to reinforce my New Year's goals by focusing in on the changes I want to make while it is still almost summer.

  • Get Rey House Trained

Our new puppy, Rey, is relatively well behaved, and has been pretty easy to house train so far. However, we want her to be 100% accident free by the end of the month. If anyone has any tips, we welcome them (and we also welcome good luck)

  • Drink More Water
One of my biggest problems is being vague with my goals, because what is more? If I drink 20 ounces of water one day, and 3 the next, would 5 ounces be more? I'm going to be more definite, and keep my goal at 16 ounces per day, minimum. That's not nearly as much as I need, but it's a start

  • Work Out More
Once again, in an effort to be more specific, I want to work out twice a week, minimum. I've been much better about working out, but I want to be more consistent

  • Stay Up to Date With Homework
I've been mostly good about turning in my homework on time, but for the remainder of the spring semester, I want to turn EVERYTHING in on time, not just most of it.

  • Meditate, Practice Other Destressing Behaviors
I tend to get stressed out easily, and I want to limit my stress as much as possible. I want to meditate, or so something else to relieve stress, once weekly for now.

  • Be More Social
I LOVE being around people. I'm incredibly extroverted, but very selectively so. I want to start going out, whether it be actually going out, or hanging out with a friend at their house, once a week. Gatherings at my house don't count, since I want to get out more.

  • Save More Money
I don't want to go into specifics with how much money I want to save, but I want to build my savings account, as well as save for my trips this summer.

  • Eat More Protein
Again, to be more specific with what "more" is, I want to eat 5 meals, where protein is the main entree, a week.

  • Organize/ Get Rid of Stuff
Josh and I are pack rats, to put it simply. We keep a lot off stuff that we don't need, and we don't know how to organize the things we do have. I want to organize the house, get rid of things, buy more storage shelves/ boxes/ etc.

  • Hang More Pictures
Again, Josh and I are pack rats, and we have a lot of posters and pictures that need to be hung up. I'd like to have most of them on the walls and off of the floor of our spare bedroom

  • Keep the House Clean
A few months ago, I made a chore chart for the apartment. We're not very good at keeping up with it, so I want to be better about it.

  • Eat out Less
Again, to be more specific, I want to limit eating out to twice a week.

  • Finish 4 books
Since the start of April, I've finished one book, so I'm hoping that this goal is attainable

  • Finish 1 TV show/ Finish 3 seasons of One TV Show
I have a bad habit of starting TV shows, and never finishing them (Prime example, I've been watching Dexter for a year and a half, and I'm still not past Season 6). I want to finish a TV show this month, or, at least, make progress in another

  • Plan Phoenix trip
This July, Josh and I are going to Phoenix to see my favorite band, Brand New! I want to avoid procrastinating the planning for this trip, so I want to get the trip planned sooner than later.

  • Blog Once a Week
I'm usually pretty good about keeping up with this blog, but I slip up, sometimes. I want to post, at least, once a week.


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