How to Deal With Growing Up

A few weeks ago, I was laying on the couch on my day off, binge-watching Netflix and eating leftover pizza, enjoying life. I mean, what can be better than being young, having a job that gives you the freedom to sleep all day, and getting to enjoy things like summer vacation, road trips, and not having to work full time?

Then it hit me: I'm not going to be young forever. I only have a few years left to enjoy working part-time, staying up late, and lounging on the couch in my pajamas at 2 pm. Even summer, seen as a break from reality and a time to relax, ceases to be a "break," and becomes just a season.

Naturally, I freaked out. Getting older has never scared me (in fact, I've always looked forward to getting married and having kids), but the responsibilites that come along with getting older absolutely terrifies me. Responsibilites like working 8-5, Monday-Friday, and electing to buy a household item rather than saving up to take vacations or buy something that you want, rather than need. Responsibilities like staying home all weekend because you're too tired to go out (which I do anyway, but at least now, I feel like I have the option of doing things!)

I'm still struggling with the fact that my years of "youth" are quickly passing by, and I'm still scared of the rest of my life. However, after multiple panic attacks and a few cry sessions, I'm more at peace about it. Of course youth doesn't last forever, however, it doesn't have to end simply because I become more responsible. I'm trying to take everything in stride, because the sooner I accept that I'm getting older, the sooner I can stop mourning my youth and actually take advantage of it.


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