why should I feel bad about being young and in love?

I'm 22, and I've found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I was 19 when Josh and I first started dating, and I knew then that this wasn't a relationship to pass the time, or someone who would be around for now, this was the long haul. This was, to put it plainly, fate.

So often, I see people romanticizing being single, and I often hear about how being in a relationship in your 20s is a lot like leaving a party at 9:30. Those in long-term relationships are ridiculed for not knowing how to live without another person, are told time and time again that they're going to regret wasting their life with someone when they could have been out making friends and enjoying their youth.

But why should I have to feel bad for being settled down? Why should I feel the need to validate myself, my happiness, and my relationship? And, moreover, why, in this era of acceptance, do people still need to tell me that I'll regret settling down so early?

I've found someone who has seen me at my worst, best, and everything in between. Someone who doesn't mind that I pee with the door open, or that sometimes I'll want pizza 4 days in a row. Someone who spends 90% of their time with me, and still thinks "Yeah, I'd like to spend the next 80 years with her."

So, if settling down early is like leaving a party at 9:30, at least I have someone who will drive my drunk ass home, stop to get me food, and make sure I'm tucked into bed and safe for the rest of the night. And, honestly, that sounds better than any stupid party.


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