I'm ENGAGED (!!!!!) and other fun things about being 22

I have been dreading my 22nd birthday for months. In fact, I took the entire weekend off specifically so that I could spend it crying in bed about being 22. Then, the day before my birthday, my boyfriend Josh surprised me by throwing a surprise party for me! Not only were all of our friends there, but so was most of his family, as well as most of mine (No small feat, considering my immediate family consists of 6 sisters, 1 brother, 4 parents, and my sisters' husbands/boyfriends). When it came time to open presents, I opened, among other things, a shirt that said "Best Wife in the Galaxy." I sincerely thought Josh got me the wrong shirt, until he got down on one knee and proposed!

It's been just over a week, and I'm still in shock. But for those of you who are excited to see me stress about wedding planning for the next year or so, add my snapchat (breanalynae) and keep close tabs on this blog, because it's going to be a wedding blog for the next few months.

Other Fun Things:
- My goal for the month of August was to read 31 books, one for each day of the month. 22 days in, I'm right on track, so look out for a list/review of those
- Josh and I are also making some decorative/functional changes in our house, so look out for some tutorials/things I think are cool that we've done in the apartment
- Sometime within the next few months, I'd like to get serious about offering writing tips/ posting some of my writing
- Again, prepare to see a lot of wedding planning. Especially workout/fitness stuff, DIY stuff, and me asking for tips


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