August Books

As I mentioned in my last post, my goal for the month of August was to read 31 books, one for each day of the month. I ended up only reading 26 of the 31 books I had planned, which is still a hefty amount, but not where I wanted to be. However, the main reason that I set this goal for myself was because I wanted to purge my bookshelves. Since January of this year, I've made it my goal to read or reread every book on my bookshelves to decide which books I want to keep, and which I want to give away, because one person does not need 200+ books for themself.

By reading the 26 books that I did read this month, I managed to free up quite a bit of space on my shelves. Here are some of the highlights of my journey that you should DEFINITELY read.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child- JK Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne
For Harry Potter fans, this is a must read. It follows the life of Albus Severus Potter, Harry's second born, who struggles with being the "Great" Harry Potter's son. Not as good as the original series, but still fantastic
4.5/5 Stars

Awaken and Underworld- Meg Cabot
Books 2 and 3 of the Abandon series (Which I mentioned here). If you read Abandon, I would wholeheartedly recommend finishing the series.
4/5 Stars

Heretic Queen- Michelle Moran
I featured this book in my 10 Books You Need to Read entry. For those of you who are Historical Fiction fans, ESPECIALLY Egyptian history, I would read this.
5/5 Stars

Forever in Blue- Ann Brashares
Book 4 of The Sisterhood series. I frequently express my love for the Traveling Pants, so of course I'm going to recommend this.
4/5 Stars

The Goddess Test and Goddess Interupted- Aimee Carter
Another series based off of the Hades and Persephone myth, though vastly different from Abandon, which is based on the same myth. I am a huge fan of Greek mythology, and while Kate isn't a very loveable character, I appreciate what Carter did to bring the rest of the Olympians to life.
4/5 Stars

The Chocolate Lover- M.E. Rabb
Book 2 of the Missing Persons series (Mentioned here). A good followup on the Shattenberg sisters and their life undercover.
3.5/5 Stars

Princess in Pink, Princess in Training, and Party Princess- Meg Cabot
Books 5, 6, and 7 of the Princess Diaries series. Again, you will see my praises for this series on various blog posts, so definitely read it.

Nefertiti- Michelle Moran
Another example of phenomenal Egyptian historical fiction. This novel explores the life of Nefertiti, the infamous Heretic Queen. This is absolutely a must read.
5/5 Stars

Ex-mas- Kate Brian
A cute story about two exes that take a cross country roadtrip to get their brothers back when they go to save Santa. I wouldn't go so-far as to say you have to read this, but if you're looing for a cute, quick read, this would be a good one.
3.5/5 Stars

The Queen of Second Place- Laura Peyton Roberts
Again, not a "must read," but this book is hilarious and light. Cassie Howard describes herself as the Queen of Second Place, that's her talent. However, when Kevin Matthews tranfers to her school, and she finds herself in competition with the most popular girl in school for his affections, she's determined to come in first this time.
4/5 Stars

The Two Princesses of Bamarre- Gail Carson Levine
This, like most of Gail Carson Levine's novels, is meant for ages 8-12, or something like that. However, for anyone who likes fantasy, this is a great book! Princess Addie has always been the shy sister, while Princess Meryl is the brave one. But when Meryl catches the Grey Death, and incurable illness that kills all it infects, it is up to Addie to find the courage to find a cure.
3.5/5 Stars

Fairest- Gail Carson Levine
This novel is set in the same world as Ella Enchanted (and, according to the internet, the same world as The Two Princesses of Bamarre), and is losely based on Snow White. Aza is certainly not the fairest in the land of Ayortha, but when her good fortune takes her to the castle for the king's wedding, she finds herself as a lady in waiting to the new queen. However, her new title comes with a price. In a country where song and a beautiful voice are important, Aza has a talent that can help the new queen turn the kingdom upside down.
4/5 Stars

True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet- Lola Douglas
Morgan Carter is a movie star, a talented actress, and a former drug addict. After a near overdose, her mother decides that she needs some time out of the spotlight and into a normal teenage life. Taking on the name Claudia Miller, she's sent to live with her mothers friend in the small town of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where she learns that her fake life can be just as difficult as her real one.
4/5 Stars


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