2016 Reflections

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I know that as a society, 2016 was regarded as the WORST year. But, for me, personally, 2016 wasn't a terrible year. Each year has it's ups and downs, and this one was no different (and it didn't try and kill me, like 2015 did)

This year, I told myself I was going to graduate, buy a house, get a new job, I did none of those things. But I did read 94 books, I became better at organizing, and I made healthier choices.

I watched half of my family move 1,000 miles away, to Katy, TX. As hard as that was, I also grew a lot closer to my mom, who is still here with me.

I said goodbye to Zoe, my childhood dog, when my family moved away. But, I also said hello to Rey, the cutest little Chiweenie who brings so much happiness to Josh and I every day.

I may not have graduated, or gotten a new job, but I've been doing better in school than I ever have before, and became a barista trainer through Starbucks.

I lost my grandfather, Joe, who i've always been very close to. But, I also gained a new niece, Baby Cecelia.

I made a lot of new friends this year, and for the first year I can remember, I didn't lose any close friends.

I got engaged this year, but more than that, I'm strengthening my relationship with my future husband every day. I love him more each night than I did when I woke up that morning.

2016 had it's downs, but it also definitely had it's ups. And as exciting as this year was, I'm so excited to see what 2017 will bring.


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