Here's to 23 Years of Life

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written! One of the things I wanted for 2017 was for this year to be memorable, and definitely has been, as well as busy. Here's just a few of the things that we've done this year

  • My grandpa's funeral
  • School
  • Planning a wedding
  • Buying a house
  • Moving into the house
  • Having to end our lease at our apartment (which was a whole headache in itself)
  • Actually having the wedding
  • Being promoted (and subsequently turning the promotion down)
  • Becoming foster parents through a local animal shelter
  • Adopting another dog
Being that everything has been so crazy lately, I've barely had time to read, write, blog, or doing anything else! 

But today is my 23rd birthday, and as horrified as I am that I'm officially in my mid-twenties, I'm determined to make this year so A+ that I can tell my kids how awesome my mid-twenties are. 

That being said, I want to take a picture of my outfits everyday, to stop myself from wearing pajamas everyday. I want to continue to read new books. I want to finally finish my novel, and I want to finally finish school.

Give me recommendations for books, for tv shows, for movies, for outfits, for everything. Help me make this year the greatest it can possibly be!


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