New Beginnings, Part II

Hi everyone!

I want to thank everyone for sticking through this rebirth with me, and welcome anyone who may be reading for the first time! I look forward to making Ramble On the greatest, most interesting blog yet!

Now there are plenty of book blogs out there, and the vast majority of those blogs focus on YA. So you may wonder, what makes Ramble On so different? These bloggers are awesome, and they are all entitled to their own interests, but there are a few things I want to do that will, truly, make me an individual.

  1. Most bloggers/vloggers only focus on one branch of YA. Don't get me wrong, I love sub-genres of YA, such as Fantasy, or romance, but there are so many bloggers that will only read Fantasy, or only contemporary, or whatever. I know what sub-genres I like, but I want to expand my interests, so I don't want to limit myself to only one, or even a few, sub-genres. 
  2. There are a few bloggers that will read all types of YA, but most don't branch out into any other genre. YA is my one true love, but I also enjoy reading adult fiction, suspense/thriller, True Crime, and occasionally non-fiction. While we all have our favorite genres, I , personally, do not feel that I am doing literature justice by not giving other genres a chance
  3. There are so many book bloggers/vloggers that only read and review new(er) books. The majority of the blogs I've seen only include books written in the last 2 years, so there are a lot of older novels that don't get the love they deserve. Pride and Prejudice is over 100 years old, but should we ignore that phenomenal book just because it's not a recent release? No. (Note: I'm not claiming that any of the books I read or review will be a classic like P&P, I'm just saying that new doesn't always equal better)

So now that you know what makes me different, what can you expect from this blog? Well, you can expect me to talk a whole lot about books. I'll be doing book reviews, TBR lists, upcoming releases that I'm excited for, book hauls/unhauls, DNF lists, etc. I'll occasionally do a personal post, but I'm very excited to talk more about books.

In the next few days, I'll post a list/reviews of the books I read in January, as well as the books of February. If there is anything you would really like to see on this blog, please don't hesitate to comment on this post, or get in touch with me via Facebook or Twitter. I'm very excited to start up this blog again, and I hope you are too! Happy reading!


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