March TBR!

Hey guys!

I always get excited for the month of March, because we're FINALLY getting into spring, which means we're almost to summer! But spring also means spring break (this year will be my last as a college student, and my first working for the public school system), which means I have 2 weeks this month where I either get a break from work or school. So, I have no excuse not to read.

I created a personal To Be Read (TBR) list for this month, and the categories were:

  • 1 book from Goodreads TBR list
If you haven't friended me on Goodreads, please do! It gives you access to my TBR list, ratings of books I've read, and the option to create your own reading challenge (and keep up with mine)

Anyway, there are currently 115 books on my TBR, and I put each of these 115 books in a cup, and picked a title at random. The book I ended up choosing for this category was Forever My Girl by Heidi McLaughlin (Which is not pictured above because I will be reading this on Ebook).
  • 1 book from my unread shelf
Of my 4 (3 of which are completely full) bookshelves, I have them split up into Books Read or Reread (from Sept 2015-present) and Books Not Read or Reread. In an effort to purge my bookshelves of books I don't care for, I had my husband choose a book at random from the latter shelf, and he picked Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech.
  • 1 book from a series I've already started
I chose a reread for this category, but one I haven't read in easily 5 years. But, since I love 1920's YA, I chose Ingenue by Jillian Larkin, which is the second book in the Flappers trilogy.
  • 1 book from an author I really like
This book is also not pictured above, because I ordered it from ThriftBooks and it hasn't come in yet. However, Meg Cabot is one of my favorite authors of all time, and while I've read quite a few of her books, there are plenty I haven't gotten to yet. So, I'm going to start the Mediator series, and read Shadowland by Meg Cabot.
  • 1 reread
There are quite a few books on this list that are rereads, but I decided on The Traitor's Kiss by Erin Beaty, which I read for the first time last year. The sequel to this book is coming out in July, so I thought rereading it now will help prepare me for the release in a few months.

I also decided to break out my Grimm's Fairy Tales, which has been sitting on my shelf for years, and reading a few every day. My goal is to read 3 per day, but I'm reading these just because I love fairy tales, not necessarily because I want to finish the book, so it I don't meet or exceed the goal, I won't stress about it too much.


In addition to the list I created, I will also be participating in The RereadAthon hosted by a few BookTubers and bloggers I follow. The RereadAthon will last from March 18-24, and the prompts for the week are:

  •  Reread an old favorite
I chose The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot for this prompt, because I adore this series (and I've talked about it quite a few times on this blog). Plus, as you can see by the copy in the picture above, this book is falling apart, because I've read it so many times and love it so much.
  • Reread a new favorite
This was tough, because most of the books I've read recently are the first in a series, so they could count for the next category as well. But I decided on The Selection by Kiera Cass, because I read this series in 3 days, and I haven't reread in since. So what better time than now, right?
  • Reread in preparation for a new release
As I said before, there are so many books I've read recently that are the first book in a series, so there are so many books I could have chosen for this (For example, The Traitor's Kiss that I'm rereading anyway). But, I loved The Wrath and the Dawn, and when Renee Ahdieh's most recent work came out last year, I was hooked. So, I'm going to read Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh, so that I'm ready for the release of the sequel in April.
  • Reread to give a book a second chance
Picking a book for this one was actually pretty easy. I read How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather at the end of 2016, and I didn't hate it, but I also didn't love it (and books about witches are usually a quick favorite of mine, so it was surprising that I didn't enjoy it). I was originally planning to get rid of the book, but lately, I've been thinking about the book, and wanting to reread it to see if it was as disappointing as I remember it being. Because as I think back on it, I think I would be able to enjoy it.

Finally, I went to the library and checked out 5 additional books to read this month, and left with

  • Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
  • Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
  • Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
  • The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
  • The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

I don't honestly think I'll be able to finish all 13 books this month, but, as I said before, I have 2 weeks where I'll have a bit of a break, and I'd love to see how far into this list I'll be able to get!

If you are interested in participating in the RereadAthon, let me know what books you chose! And if you have read any of these books before, let me know your thoughts on them! Happy reading!


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