Hey guys!

May is a really big month for me, because on the 11th, I FINALLY graduate from college. After 6 long, torturous years, I'm excited to finally be done with my undergrad. May is also a really big month because my adoring husband will be 26, and we'll be doing a lot of drinking to celebrate both of those things.

But, as far as reading goes, I'm excited to get back on track with a more developed TBR. Much like last month, I don't want to limit myself to strictly reading what's on my TBR, because that's no fun. However, there are tons of books that have just been sitting on my shelf for a looooong time, and I want to give those attention like I give new releases/new purchases.

For this month, I wanted to add the following to my TBR:

  • 2 books from my unread bookshelf
As I mentioned before, I have my books organized as follows: one shelf of books that has been read post 2015, and one shelf of books that has not been read post 2015. So I picked City of Bones by Cassandra Clare  and My Unfair Godmother by Jennifer Rallison.
  • 1 reread
In honor of summer, I decided to reread The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson. Side note, if anyone has any recommendations for YA Contemporary Romances that are set in the summer, let me know! I've really been in the mood to read those lately. 
  • 1 book from TBR cup
Originally, when I pulled out a book from the cup, I picked The Jewel by Amy Ewing. But I had just pulled out that book from the library and was about halfway through, so I figured I should pick a different one. So, upon re-picking, I got Entwined by Heather Dixon.
  • 1 to complete a series
I am currently reading 23 series, and have only finished 1 this year (Stay tuned to my wrap up for that), so I wanted to complete AT LEAST one more series this month. So, I decided on The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larrson for this. 

I also wanted to add Sky In The Deep by Adrienne Young to my TBR, because it just came out, and I'm DYING to read it.

Well, that's my TBR for the month of May! If you have any recommendations (particularly YA Contemporary Romances set in summer), let me know! And, as always, feel free to keep up with my progress by friending me on Goodreads. Happy reading!


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