My Ratings- How They Work

 Hi everyone!

As you could tell by my last post, I've decided to integrate my Goodreads Star Ratings into my blog posts. This is something I'm just trying out for now, but if I decide I like it, and if you guys like it, it could become a permanent staple of the blog.

Traditionally, my ratings have been very average. If I enjoyed a book, even if I loved a book, I was unlikely to rate it above 4 stars. I wanted 5 star ratings to be reserved for The Best of The Best, but I realized that even books that I thought about for days and was aching to reread were rated at 3 or 4 stars, though they were worthy of 5 stars. The same goes for books I wasn't impressed by, or just disliked. Books I had no desire to read again, or keep on my shelves, got a much higher rating than they deserved, because I wanted to save my 1 and 2 star ratings for the worst (Even when I had read some pretty awful books, and I gave them 3 stars). So, from here on out, my rating scale will go as follows:

5 Stars- I loved this book
4 Stars- I really liked this book
3 Stars- I enjoyed this book
2 Stars- This book was okay
1 Star- I didn't like this book

I'm going to start rating books based on how much I enjoyed them, rather than rating them on their potential (Like I did with The Cruel Prince by Holly Black) or based on how bad I know they are, and not taking into account that they were interesting to me, or my guilty pleasure (I'm looking at you, Fifty Shades). It's important to me that my rating scale be as accurate as possible so that I'm able to give you guys the best review I possibly can. 

I hope this offers some insight into this change. Let me know what you guys think about the star rating system!


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