My May Adventures- I GRADUATED (and other fun stuff)

Hey guys!

As you may have noticed, I've been pretty absent from the blog for the last month or so. Well, May has been a pretty crazy month, and I feel like I haven't gotten a chance to just sit down and breathe yet!

At the beginning of the month, I (finally) graduated from college! My parents flew in, they watched me walk, we had a party, the whole thing. It was so much fun, but absolutely exhausting. Next, I was offered a post-graduation job! I've spent the majority of the month getting everything together so that I can start, and have (finally) started! Finally, my sister and my sister-in-law both graduated from high school at the end of May, so we did a lot of running around for that, too.

So as you can see, this month has been a little crazy. But, I'm back, and ready to do some catching up! I can't guarantee that these'll all be up by the end of the month, but i'm damn well going to try.

Some things you can expect to see in the next few weeks are:

  • My April Wrap Up
  • My May 1-15 Books Read
  • A Book Tag
  • A Review on The Remnant Chronicles
  • My May 16-31 Wrap Up
Thank you guys for being so patient, I'm very excited to share some awesome books with you!


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