Discussion: Why Should I Feel "Guilty" About My Guilty Pleasures?

Hello, and Happy National Book Day! Today, rather than do another list of books I recommend, I want to have a discussion.

In the last year, I've gotten really into Romance novels. Paranormal Vampire Romances, Cute Office Romances, Historical Ripped Bodice Romances, the whole nine yards. As someone who read almost exclusively YA prior to this, it opened a whole new world for me. I dove headfirst into romance, and watched a TON of Booktube videos, trying to get as many recommendations as I could get.

But as I started watching more Romance-Centric videos, I realized how many of those creators were told, "Maybe try reading a REAL book, rather than some shitty romance novel" in the comments of their videos. How many people make comments about romance being "mommy porn" or suggesting that romance is unrealistic because "Men would never behave like that!"

Even before I started reading Romance, I felt the same "shame" at being an adult who read YA. Whenever people would ask, "You're a big reader, what kinds of books do you read?" And I would just reply, "Oh, I read just about everything!" And whenever they would ask for recommendations, I would just list of the handful of Adult books that I have read (Note: If I've ever recommended Dan Brown books to you, or The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo books, I promise, they're still amazing, but they're also the only adult fiction books I've read and enjoyed).

Aside from reading, there are plenty of times when I talk about a show or music I like, but I feel like I have to add a disclaimer, like, "One Direction is totally a guilty pleasure of mine," or, "I know Flavor of Love is trash, but I just love it so much!" But the big question is why? Why do I feel like I have to disclaim my interests? Why do I feel like people won't take me seriously, as a reader, because I read mostly Romance and YA? And, most importantly, WHY DO PEOPLE NEED TO GIVE THEIR UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ENJOY?

I love giving my husband shit for rewatching Star Trek (multiple times in the 7 years we've been together), just like he loves giving me shit for listening to the Twilight soundtrack on repeat. But there's a big difference between some harmless joking, and shaming someone for having interests that are different from yours. I love Romance- books, movies, and tv- and I love boy bands and YA Paranormal Romance from the early 2000s, and I'm still coming to terms with the fact that none of these things should make me feel ashamed or embarrassed. Don't feel guilty about your guilty pleasures, because as long as you're entertained, who cares?


Thank you guys for listening to me ramble! What are some things you enjoy that others would consider a "guilty pleasure?" Please feel free to talk to me in the comments, on Facebook, or over Twitter. Also, if you feel like sharing the love on National Book Day, you can also feel free to order me a book from my Amazon Wishlist ;) Thanks for reading, and we'll see you guys soon! 


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