What We've Watched While Self-Isolating

My husband and I are in our 4th week of self-isolation, where we're working exclusively from home, only going out to pick up food (and for me to drop things off at work once a week) and wearing pajamas during Zoom meetings. When it comes to TV and movies, our usual routine is to watch an episode or 2 of a show while we eat dinner, and only watch movies on weekends when we know we'll have the energy to sit through it. But, as we all know, there are no rules during quarantine, so we have been binging shows and watching movies on random Tuesday nights. Here are some of my favorite things that we've watched over the last few weeks!

Netflix has been killing it with their trashy TV shows. We watched Love is Blind in a matter of days, so when we realized we were going to be confined to the house for the time being, we decided that we were going to give The Circle a shot. Basically, the object of the show is to make yourself social media famous, and to make yourself liked by other people who are trying to become famous, and you're not allowed to see each other IRL. That's all I really understand about the show, even though we sat through an entire season. I would strongly recommend going into this not expecting much, because that's what we did, and we really enjoyed our watch through.
My Rating: 3.5/5
Husband's Rating: 2.5/5

Taika Waititi's greatest masterpiece since Thor: Ragnarok, and I'm not even joking. What We Do In the Shadows follows 4 Vampire Roomates and a familiar, Guillermo, and the antics they get themselves into while trying to keep their existence a secret. Nadja, Lazslo, and Nandor are your sterotypical vampires (sleeping in coffins, not able to go out in sunlight, turn into bats, grossly unaware of how the world around them has changed), while Colin is an "energy vampire," and gets his nutrition by talking his call center coworkers to death, rather than sucking blood. This show is absolutely hilarious, in a really dry way. I can't tell you how many times something would happen and Josh and I would look at each other, shake our heads, and bust up laughing. 
My Rating: 4.5/5 
Husband's Rating: 4/5 

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows. I never realized a show about cops could be almost as good as Criminal Minds. Brooklyn Nine-Nine follows each of the detectives in the 99th Precinct, and features characters who are so real without being campy caricatures of stereotypes. This is also one of those shows that just gets better and better with each passing season, rather than plateauing at around season 5 (Like so many other sitcoms I could name). 
My Rating: 5/5 
Husband's Rating: 5/5

Ahh, this movie. Can any adaptation of a timeless classic get better than this?? The hand-touches, the longing looks, the original hate-to-love romance? My heart. This was the first time I've seen this movie in over 10 years, and my husband's first time watching the entire movie, and it made this quarantine so much more enjoyable for me. My husband is a different story, because he really had no interest to begin with, but men are trash, so 
My Rating: 4/5
Husband's Rating:2/5

WE STAN TRASH IN THIS HOUSE.  I read City of Bones in 2013 and absolutely loved it, and ended up seeing it in theaters later that summer with my friends. This was the first time I've watched this movie since then, and my husband's first time watching it at all, and holy crap, I forgot how bad it is. But it's the kind of bad that makes you want to keep watching, the same feeling that eating a whole bag of potato chips gives you: little to no sustenance, but a fun ride through it. Basically, this movie is based off of Cassandra Clare's wildly popular Shadowhunter World, and follows Clary, a normal girl until she realizes that she belongs to a group of people called Shadowhunters- half human, half angel demon hunters. Like I said at the beginning, we (meaning I) stan trash in this house, so even though I complained about how bad this was, I loved every second of our watch-through.
My Rating: 4/5
Husband's Rating: 2.5/5

What are some of the shows/movies that you guys have watching during this self-quarantine? What about your favorite trash show/movie? I know I usually stick to talking about books on this blog, but I wanted to spice it up a little bit and talk about some things I watch as well. Talk to you guys soon!


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