April Wrap Up

Happy May! April was my first full month in self-isolation, and while I didn't do as much reading as I thought I would, I'm still surprised at how many books I completed. In April, I read: 
8 Books, 
With a total of 2,447 Pages, 
And an Average Rating of 3.68

I don't want to write a super long post about the books I read, so I'll just give the title, author, and my rating. But if any of you are interested in seeing a full review of the books that I read in April, please feel free to check out my Goodreads. So, without any further ado, here are the books I read in April:



What are some of the books that you've read in the last month? What was your favorite? As you can see, I've read a lot of books from different genres, so if you have any favorites to recommend, send them my way! Happy reading! 


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