I am disrupting my regularly scheduled blog posts to talk about the BIGGEST news that's happened in 2020.

For those of you that don't know, I am a huge Twilight fan. I read the books in late middle school/early high school, and rediscovered my love for the franchise a few years ago. The Twilight Renaissance is thriving, and I am so happy to be a part of the fandom again. But today, Stephenie Meyer announced that she is adding another book to the series:

Stephenie Meyer was writing Midnight Sun in, like, 2008,  when the manuscript was leaked. She shelved it indefinitely, at that point, and pretty much everyone gave up hope of reading the first book from Edward's perspective.

But earlier today, Stephanie Meyer casually saved 2020, and gave us all a little serotonin and a reason to live, and announced that she is releasing the FULL MANUSCRIPT, coming out August 4th. And of course, my ass paid $28 so I could preorder it. I could go on about my love for Twilight for literal hours, but I would recommend just watching a YouTube video I made a few years ago, after rereading Twilight for the first time in years.

Is anyone else a huge Twilight fan? Are you looking forward to Midnight Sun, and the full revival of the Twilight series? If you're interested in looking at some A+ Midnight Sun/Twilight Memes, I would highly suggest going through the Midnight Sun tag on Twitter. And look forward to me doing a full book review on August 4th! Happy reading!


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